Friday, May 22, 2009

The Greatest Game in the World.

Do you smell that? (Actually, it has nothing to do with picture, but OUCH) It's in the air again, the pollen is collecting in throats and the sweat is accumulating on upper lips . This is soccer weather. After months of playing indoor or just settling for a run, I can finally play real soccer again!

I was supposed to play soccer golf with my buddy this afternoon, but he has the audacity to call me two hours before it's time to tee-off and claims some little lady came in for surgery in the Ob-Gyn department where he's rotating... so I guess I have to take the back-burner to his career and some chic's yoo hoo. How's that supposed to make me feel? What is a guy left to do after having his soccer hopes dashed so quickly? I decided I could settle for some pick-up, I guess.

I thought I'd be settling, but instead I was reminded why soccer is the greatest game in the world. No other sport is more widely appreciated. It truly is the one reason I even question my patriotism- maybe I'm part Brazilian. At a pick-up game.

My experiences with pick-up games are limited to basketball, soccer, ultimate, and a little bit of football. Nothing is quite like soccer though. Only on a soccer field have I ever found Nigerians, Brits, Jamaicans, and Americans all uniting to enjoy the beauty of one game. And by beauty, I mean sheer brilliance. Most sports end-up with bickering about cheap fouls, but this afternoon it was very different-I heard lots of "Niiiiiice ball" and "Grrrreat shot." I've witnessed several fights playing basketball- all of course unwarranted, but on such a perfect evening it only seemed appropriate to christen the season with such a fantastic display of the sport. Gosh it feels good to be back.

Then again, I may just be shocked to have found a group of guys that could actually play soccer at UVA. I was under the impression that UVA guys sipped on Zima whilest playing Bocce ball in their plaid shorts and Polo sweaters on the Lawn. Well, maybe they'd occassionally take a break from tossing their balls around to complain about the caviar.

Now playing: The Wedding - Say Your Prayers
via FoxyTunes

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