Thursday, June 25, 2009

Crazy Cat Lady

I've always heard about crazy cat ladies (henceforth referred to as CCL) but I'd never met one.... until today. I understood the term 'cat lady,' that is pretty straight forward, but I always wondered why crazy was thrown into the mix. I mean really....crazy? psycho? insane?
At the beginning of the week a post-doc in the lab began fostering a kitten for the SPCA for a two week period. She started her story by telling me that she doesn't want to name the cute little button in order to prevent becoming attached. **right** What transpired between then and now is truly miraculous. It's a testament to how easily we humans can be broken.
This animal runs her life. It all began a couple of days ago when the poor little kitten got sick (and with animals, there are only two kinds of sick- front or back) which sparked a whole sequence of events that can best be summarized in what I just heard while we were all gathered eating pizza. I was in a groove, working on my ninth slice of free pizza, listening to CCL tell us how happy she was that Sasha was feeling so much better, and she dropped, "and then I stimulated her by massaging her anus." She simply stated this matter-of-factly after describing how she stimulated her stomach with a cotton swab. And then she went on explain that naturally, NATURALLY, as in the natural world, animals use tongues to do such things (you know, like dogs and mice do- of course). As if somehow because she didn't use her tongue I should understand. Call me crazy, but I think that is the type of thing you leave to veterinary professionals. I mean, yeah, we work in a lab, but come on! We are a yeast lab for a reason. I'm also trying to eat!
My friends, that is the definition of a crazy cat lady.
BUT, I will have to admit, she is a very cute kitten...

The whole scenario reminded me of the Matthew Broderick/Meg Ryan movie Addicted to Love. In one scene they are sitting at in a diner plotting how best to ruin the lives of their exes, whilest falling in love, and Maggie (Meg Ryan) shares this story about the nature of love- and in a rather dramatic fashion.

"When I was a kid, my father had this dog that started to get all weak and sickly. He takes it to the vet, he examines it and says a maggot must have laid eggs in the dog's butt. The baby maggots have crawled up, now they've started to grow, and eventually they're gonna eat the dog alive from the inside. He says it should be put to sleep, because it's an old dog anyway. But father won't do it. He takes the dog home, he puts it on the bed, he reaches up into the dog, picking out the maggots with his finger, one by one. It takes him all night, but he gets every last one. That dog outlived my father. That's love, Sam."

**CCL wanted me to clafiry that in no way did she use her hand or tongue, but she dipped a cotton swab into warm water and gently massaged Sasha's anal sphincter.
Now playing: Dario Marianelli - Elegy for Dunkirk
via FoxyTunes


Jordan and I are heading up to NoVA this weekend. Our planned trip reminded me of a moment I had in scripture a couple weeks ago. In a land filled with cookie-cutter houses on lots only slight larger than the edifice + 2.5 cars, it kind of seems like the North is invading the South once again. I wonder what the draw is to such a place- for surely there is more beauty in God's creation than anything man can throw together. Ya know? I'd take a nice piece of country land over anything in the city.... None-the-less, this trip is about the people, not the'll be fun (as long as there's a driving range or a golf course involved).

Isaiah 5:8
"Woe to you who add house to house
and join field to field
till no space is left
and you live alone in the land."

Now playing: Craig Groeschel - OnePrayer - Francis Chan
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just how I remembered it...

Since Regina came out with a new album yesterday, I've been reminiscing quite a bit. You know how they say smell triggers memories and somehow a scent can link you to a distant memory. Well, music works the same way for me. Certain songs, unfortunately, take me straight back to high school- or even worse, middle school. Other songs remind me of awesome concerts I've been to.

But back to Regina. I first heard her best song two days before my wedding. During the credits of Prince Caspian, The Call comes on and just melts your heart away (or it did mine). I liked it so much I even considered making it our first dance at the reception after the wedding in two days. With such a sweet melody and spiritually-loaded lyrics, I couldn't help but buy it the moment I got home and every time I listen to it I immediately sync to May 22-May 25, 2008 and bask in the excitement of the rehearsal dinner and wedding. It's also easier to enjoy that time without suffering the food poisoning that I did during that same time :)

Now playing: Starfield - Son of God
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

God: What now?

I take so much for granted. And as defensive as I get and try as I might to pretend that I am entirely appreciative, I don't think I really grasp that I really am just a few bad decisions or serious scenarios away from my worst nightmare. So, I like being reminded how just how lucky and blessed I am. Regina always surprises with her playful style yet hauntingly real lyrics. It helps being reminded from unexpected places, it's like a whisper in an empty room. I hope you enjoy her new album! She is so different, but I love it...

Now playing: Regina Spektor - Laughing With
via FoxyTunes

Monday, June 22, 2009

Maybe it isn't an old man's game

Last Friday was another first for me. Our department organized the 9th Annual CMB golf tournament and covered the greens fees for all graduate students and post-d0cs. Now usually I'd express more interest in politics or topology than golf, but with the minimal cost (only had to pay for a golf cart) and an excuse to have an extended weekend, I just couldn't pass it up!

Since signing our team up, the Smith Lab members (Julie, Greg, and I) planned to try our hands at the driving range several times before the tournament. Unfortunately, with the hurricane rain over the last two weeks, it never happened- leaving 3 out of 4 members of our team to play the tournament without any golf experience. I think we must've played fairly well, given country club employees harassed us only THREE times to notify us that we were an entire hole behind the team ahead of us and we were clogging up their course. Apparently the team format and playing the best hit ball doesn't help the speed of play if no one on the team actually knows how to play. It certainly didn't help that I sweat more than I did during the 10 miler back in April. Now that I think about it too, it probably wasn't smart to look like we knew what we were doing (and not) nor to start taking pictures of each other teeing off of the first hole, right in front of the clubhouse. I think we raised red flags on ourselves early.

All in all, it was a well-spent 6 hours for my first 18 holes ever. I don't think I found the sweet spot, nor did I hit a hole-in-one, but it is definitely my new hobby. Oh, and Play It Again Sports made my day yesterday. If you need sports equipment but don't want to pay full price for them, they can't be beat!

**Pic courtesy of Julie McClure, team captain and winner of most fashionably dressed (according to herself)

Now playing: The All-American Rejects - Gives You Hell
via FoxyTunes

One thing I learned this weekend

What does being married really mean...?

-not having to close the bathroom door, ever. After being married for more than a year and living in our current apartment for almost that entire year, I just realized that our bathroom door knob has a lock on it. Neither Jordan nor I ever noticed that before. Personally, I think it is because we never actually grab the door knob to shut it.

Now playing: Everyday Sunday - Best Night of Our Lives
via FoxyTunes