Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sally turns 24

About three years ago I found myself on this foreign campus known as UVA. Not really knowing what to expect, but having heard all the rumors, I joined Jubilate; there I not only found my wife, but also my church and a good friend or two. As many of you know, I hail from the esteemed University known as Virginia Polytechnic Institute AND State University. Having just finished my third year now at UVA, I know several reasons that Jesus finger-picked Charlottesville and UVA as a home for me.

I joined Jubilate and was immediately inundated with pearls, high-brow choral music, and polo shirts. mmhmm, just as I suspected. But you know what, I was kinda happy. uhhh, wasn't expecting that. For those of you that have been in Jubilate for the past three years, you know it has been a bit...well, 'top heavy.' Lots of sopranos and altos, and unfortunately, a few basses and even fewer tenors. Although Jordan was the very first woman I remember meeting at Jubilate (thats the official party line and I'm stickin' to it), Sally probably shaped my first year of Jubilate more than anyone else. From talking about my trip to Newspring, to UVA, to boys, to living life for our Savior. We talked about just about any and everything, and aside from the last couple of months, I'd say we still do. And although I'm from the South and you're from Chicago, I like sitting in the corner by myself and you are the center of the party, and although you're an alto and I'm a bass- I'm only more grateful how we can just tease each other no harm no foul. You're a great friend.

Two of the most incredible women of this world:

God has breathed life into you for 24 years now and taken you around the world with lots of adventures-some easier than others. Although I've only known you the last 3 years, I am thankful for the entirety of it all that has shaped you into the person you are now, the woman that I know and care for deeply. Chances are: I won't get to see you for another year, but Jordan and I will be hoping and praying for you persistently. We know you'll be challenged and pushed, but you've always been strong and when you were weak, you've always known where to go for strength. The Czech is gonna be soo awesome, I just hope they know what they got coming and don't take it for granted!! We'll miss your visits to C'ville that we've counted on for the past two years...

P.S. Sally, I hope you actually read this :)

Now playing: Hillsong United - Yours Forever
via FoxyTunes


  1. thanks for the shout out, joseph! and the part about sally being an alto... that was a joke, right?

  2. Thanks Sam! I was gonna say, Joseph do you know me at all? Just kidding, I'll let that one slide. But really, how could you leave out the most important part of me shaping your first year at UVA? You know that small little detail of how I tried to date you? (I know what you're thinking -- "it must have been my charm and good looks.")

    But really, thanks for this wonderful, wonderful bday message. I'm SO lucky to have you as a friend!! Oh, and I'm totally going to call you this weekend because you're right, we haven't played phone tag for way too long!

  3. p.s. can you PLEASE email me those pics from arch's? i still don't think i have them!
