Monday, June 1, 2009

Germany, what?!

This weekend I registered to go to GERMANY in late August!! The conference wasn't even on my radar until about two weeks ago when my boss (Jeff) mentioned it to me and said he was interested but unsure of funding. Then Friday rolls around (mind you, Friday is the deadline) and he says, "Lets go!"

My first year at UVA I was able to go to a chromatin conference at Penn State, but I didn't present anything. That was easy, really easy. And fun. This time will be pretty different I imagine. I'm kind of anxious, rather, really nervous about this trip. I mean, this time I'm supposed to know what I'm talking about and begin networking. Really? The lowly graduate student? In a foreign COUNTRY? I've never presented anything to a group like this and there's a reason for that. I hate being in large groups of people because I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I hope I just present a poster so that I know what I'm supposed to do- defend it. I'll also be spending 4 entire days with Jeff. We get along and all... but we aren't best buds either. The only thing we have in common and talk about is science, does that mean we are going to talk science the entire time? DANG!

Not only is Regensburg the site of the 2009 Ribosome Synthesis Conference, but it is rich in cultural history. Located at the intersection of the Danube and Regen rivers, Regensburg dates back to the Stone Age and many of the historical edifices remain today due to it's relatively peaceful years during the bombing raids of WWII.

BMW has a plant in Regensburg that churns out a thousand 3-series and 1-series A DAY. Wouldn't that be cool to get a BMW as a conference gift? The registration fee is outrageous, I think it's a possibility. I mean, there won't be more than 200 people there, that is less than 20% of a day's productivity!

Isn't this random: according to Wiki, Regensburg's sister American city is Tempe, AZ. Gosh, I hope Regensburg is more interesting than that because I haven't heard of anything out of Tempe- or at least nothing worth remembering.... :)


  1. Babe, you're going to have a blast overseas with or without the poster! You should meet up with Sally somewhere; she'll be over in the Czech Republic by then, I think...

  2. I WILL!!!!!!! Oh my goodness and I just googlemapped Regensburg and it's not that far from Prague...maybe 200 miles! There HAS to be a train between the two! Please please please come visit me! I don't know that I'll be able to travel yet myself (I'll be getting set up at the school).
