Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Tattoo?

Tattoos are a fairly controversial topic. There are references to tattoos in the Bible (Lev. 19:28) and just about everyone has their opinion on what it actually means. I, personally, believe that God judges the heart above anything else. He cares more about the motivations that drive your daily decisions than the actual results of the path chosen. I got my first tattoo about a year and a half ago and I haven't regretted it. A lot of thought (and prayer) went into what to get and where to get it. In fact, the whole process challenged me to consider more than just moral law, but also various theologies of salvation.

Either way, there are definitely some wackos out there that take things waaaaaay too far. These tattoos that I randomly stumbled upon on-line are kind of cool though. I've always liked blacklights (yes, I was the kid in high school who had a blacklight in his room along with reactive posters- just because I thought they were 'cool'), so naturally I thought this new ink was pretty sweet too. You can only slightly see them (due to the scars) under the sun and white light, but they fluoresce under blacklights! Perhaps this is the perfect option for people looking for a quick thrill or a drunken mistake....

Now playing: Regina Spektor - Wallet
via FoxyTunes

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