Friday, July 17, 2009


Today Jordan and I head into Baltimore to celebrate Jared and Lissa's union as husband and wife. I haven't known either of them for very long, but that doesn't matter all that much to me. The simple fact that two people want to pledge their lives in love to each other, and commit their whole hearts to loving one another everyday, all day, is INCREDIBLE. Given we're all human, that's not an easy task, and I think we all know that, but they still want to take that walk together. It's going to be a beautiful occasion and I can't also excites me even more for DJ & Julia, Mary Va & Galil, and Jessica & Mark!!!

Last weekend I got to play a round of golf at Birdwood with Jared and his dad, Scott. There were three of us so we picked-up an extra to play along with us. Long story short, Wade mentioned marriage as simply a 'fine institution.' Whereas that isn't necessarily inaccurate, it might be the largest understatement since trying to describe God in a sentence, much less a book ("Isn't it a comfort to worship a God we cannot exaggerate?"- Chan). I didn't get married because I just thought it was the next step according to every other Jo on the street. My marriage is much more than "a well-established and structured pattern of behavior or of relationships that is accepted as a fundamental part of a culture," but a promise, a love (sometimes labor of love), a joy, and a hope. I love going to weddings with Jordan, MY bride.

Now playing: Jason Mraz - I'm Yours
via FoxyTunes

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