Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just how I remembered it...

Since Regina came out with a new album yesterday, I've been reminiscing quite a bit. You know how they say smell triggers memories and somehow a scent can link you to a distant memory. Well, music works the same way for me. Certain songs, unfortunately, take me straight back to high school- or even worse, middle school. Other songs remind me of awesome concerts I've been to.

But back to Regina. I first heard her best song two days before my wedding. During the credits of Prince Caspian, The Call comes on and just melts your heart away (or it did mine). I liked it so much I even considered making it our first dance at the reception after the wedding in two days. With such a sweet melody and spiritually-loaded lyrics, I couldn't help but buy it the moment I got home and every time I listen to it I immediately sync to May 22-May 25, 2008 and bask in the excitement of the rehearsal dinner and wedding. It's also easier to enjoy that time without suffering the food poisoning that I did during that same time :)

Now playing: Starfield - Son of God
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

  1. Good memories for SURE! I do love what we ended up choosing for our first dance though. And I'll always love how you found the perfect father-daughter song for me...
