Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Me. Competitive? NAH!

For as long as I can remember I've been described as a 'competitive' person. Sometimes, I enjoy being described with that adjective, but over the last couple of years it's grown to really bother me when someone uses that word in reference to me- especially when they don't even know me or I'm not behaving in such a manner.

Last weekend I took time to explain to my sister (-in-law, shout out to the one and only, Jac Attack) that there is a difference between being competitive and enjoying competition. Some people are just plain competitive. This type of person loves to assert authority over others while not necessarily enjoying the activity involved. It probably stems from some type of insecurity or chip-on-the-shoulder. I have to admit, every once in a while, like once in a blue moon, I will let this guy in me outside to play. However, it is usually when someone is talking trash out the side of their head and their BS is starting to fowl up my breathing air. I love bringing people back down to Earth (or at least trying to). OK, so shoot me.

Others simply participate in an event and while the outcome doesn't matter to them, they can relish in the sweaty play-by-play action. Not knowing who is going to triumph over the other ignites the spirit and encourages hard play and determination. No one really cares about winning the match- it isn't the final resting point that they care about, it is the journey. I love a hard fought battle on the soccer field that puts me to sleep at night.

I don't think Jaclyn, her mom, or her great uncle really bought it necessarily. I mean, maybe there would've been a better time to have a discussion (perhaps outside of an intense ping-pong match....) but still!!

Now playing: Eliso Bolkvadze - Piano Sonata in C-Sharp Minor "Moonlight", Op. 27/2: III. Presto
via FoxyTunes

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